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Rabu, 21 September 2022

Kata Mutiara Hidup Ibarat Bulan dan Matahari




Having the right woman in your life is like printing your own money

Be enough for yourself first the rest of the world can wait


Hidup kita itu sebaiknya ibarat bulan dan matahari dilihat orang atau tidak, ia tetap bersinar. Dihargai orang atau tidak , ia tetap menerangi. Diterima kasihi atau tidak, ia tetap berbagi – Bob Sadino


I don’t force anyone to stay with me, if you find yourself happy without me then please be happy


Amsal 12:9 lebih baik menjadi orang kecil tetapi bekerja untuk diri sendiri, daripada berlagak orang besar, tetapi kekurangan makan – life in peace


I never faked my tears, so when it falls, I am really hurt

My favorite color is autumn


3 things to keep private : your love life, your income, dan your next move


Acne doesn’t make you ugly, but still you should take a good care of your skin cause you’ll wear it for the rest of your life


We all deserve someone who looks at us like someone looks at you


Either study all night or cry all day , everything is in your hands

Some of us has become like a moon, surrounded by many but still alone


In a world of choices I choose me

Be strong enough to let go things which are destroying you


Don’t hide your feelings from the one you care about.

Life is too short for that, darling

If you take too long to tell them, you might miss the chance forever


Nobody is too busy, it is just matter of priorities

Never depend on anyone

Work hard and be independent


Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy

Learn to choose your mental health over old attachments


A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset

A good laugh and a long sleep are two best cures for anything


My biggest dream is to say “Dad now you can take rest.” I can take care of our family now


I am  really very lucky to have found you

Maturity is when you realize that it’s only you, who can fix you

My Room and Calender

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