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Selasa, 09 Agustus 2022




Mazmur 133:1-3 (Tgl 9 Agustus 2022, Selasa)

          Dikisahkan ada seekor ulat yang sedang kelaparan karena terdampar di tanah yang tandus. Dengan lemas ia menghampiri sebuah pohon mangga sambil berkata bahwa dirinya sedang lapar dan minta izin apakah boleh untuk makan daun pohon mangga itu. Pohon mangga menjawab bahwa tanah disekitarnya tandus sehingga daunnya tidak banyak.

          Pohon itu berkata apabila si ulat makan daunnya, nanti daunnya akan berlubang dan kelihatan tidak bagus lagi, bahkan mungkin akan mati kekeringan. Karena si ulat mendesak terus, akhirnya pohon mangga mengizinkannya makan daunnya. Ia hidup di atas pohon itu sampai menjadi kepompong dan akhirnya berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang cantic. Si ulat sangat senang dan sebagai balas budi, ia pun membawa serbuk sari untuk bunga pohon mangga supaya dapat berbuah.

          Dalam hidup ini, saat sesama kita meminta bantuan seringkali ada banyak pertimbangan dimana kita memperhitungkan untung ruginya. Namun di dalam hidup ini sedapat mungkin kita harus dapat memberikan bantuan kepada sesama sebab pencerminan dari kasih adalah rela berkorban. Ketika kita memiliki kasih maka kitapun pasti memiliki hati yang rela untuk menolong.

          Dikatakan dalam Galatia 6:10 agar kita dapat saling menolong dan membantu terutama kepada saudara seiman. Tuhan rindu di dalam hidup ini kita dapat saling berbagi dan menolong tanpa memperhitungkan untung dan rugi sebab apa yang kita tabor kelak itu pula yang akan kita tuai. Mazmur 133 mengatakan bahwa sungguh alangkah baiknya dan indahnya bila kita semua dapat hidup rukun bersama. Pada saat kita hidup rukun maka Tuhan akan mencurahkan berkatNya.

          Kita harus selalu mengusahakan untuk selalu hidup dalam kedamaian dan kerukunan. Membantu sesama bukan hanya dalam soal materi, namun dapat juga berupa nasehat, tenaga , waktu, motivasi, dan lain-lain. Ada banyak hal yang dapat kita lakukan didalam membantu sesama. Mari sedapat mungkin kita boleh belajar untuk saling membantu. Walaupun kecil biarlah hidup kita dapat berguna bagi sesama, warnailah kehidupan ini dengan cinta kasih sebab didalamnya kita akan mendapatkan kebahagiaan sebab dikatakan bahwa terlebih berbahagia memberi daripada menerima. (J)


“Janganlah kita jemu-jemu berbuat baik, karena apabila sudah datang waktunya, kita akan menuai, jika kita tidak menjadi lemah (Galatia 6:9).”


Terlebih berbahagia memberi daripada menerima

Fortune day 




There were many things I wanted to tell you about , but erasing the texts felt more comfortable


The one who wants to see happiness in you will never try to hurt you – thoughts reflective


Don’t lose someone who think about you when they are busy


Allow yourself to breathe even when the skies look starless tonight and you’re drowning on an island of melancholy.

Because if not tomorrow, then oneday, you’ll be happy for surviving this chapter of your story


Work hard, listen to your mentors and don’t expect things to come easy – Melissa Leong


I’m not good at telling people how I feel, I just cry alone the whole night


It will feel a little bit more okay day by day


You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no


Controlling yourself from texting someone you badly want to talk, is a different kind of pain


Chin up beautiful. You are not struggling, you are in the midst of conquering


If I had to heal from you, I am not letting you back in my space


It is never too late to begin again, to forgive  someone

To have a dream, to meet someone, or to love yourself

It is never too late


So loyal to them that we end up betraying ourselves


At times I wonder if we found each other at the wrong time

But I know you found me just in time to save me

Bersama wiwen the best 



We are not “OKAY”

But still “OKAY” somehow

We are not in “LOVE”

But still in “LOVE” somehow


I use to tolerate a lot because I didn’t want to lose people, but having strong boundaries for yourself and being loyal to them is how you keep folks who don’t have your best interest at heart, away from you


Tips for today : control how you respond to things sent to destroy your peace

It’s beautiful when situations  that once used to hurt you no longer have the same influence or impact on you as it once did


These energies are bringing up opportunities to learn how to navigate through your own energy ; yes as cliché as that sounds


It’s an ever unfolding journey. In full transparency even I have been learning new ways of dealing with certain emotions, thoughts, people and situations.


It’s so many angles of perception in awareness. It’s like looking at a painting, listening to a song or even reading a book at different times in your life and see how the big picture can go from a thousand words to more, less or none at all.


There’s  so much more I can say but long story short is remember that you can always control your response to anything because you energy is your responsibility


That being said may you be aware that your triggers are lessons for you to learn from. In learning from the triggers you learn how to move your energy and you learn different ways of responding


If you are being called to connect with me for one on one mentorship to explore deeper. You can make that


A man who is expressive about the way he feels for me is the only type of man I want in my space


Somedays you just have to be proud of yourself for showing up even when life continues to tear you apart inside


At night when I feel alone

I sit by the window and look at the moon while listening to the songs which remind me of you


The light was not at the end of the tunnel

The light was in my heart


Not everyone is sad because of breaksup, life has some stories and problems which is too hard to explain or share


You can’t keep blaming your heart, my dear. It only does what it knows to do – go to war for anything or anyone it feels for


Everything that I hide from the world, is everything that defines me


Never disrespect the girl that made sure you were okay when nobody else did


2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind





Some days you’ll feel sad without knowing why. Like you lost something but Forgot what it was , or like you miss someone from past for no special reason


Many suffer in silence not because they don’t know where it hurts, just that it does


Moving on is not loving someone new, it is having no one in love but yourself. And being happy . Blissfully happy - Sahiba


And if you need to pull yourself together from everything that suffocates your lungs, remember that your heart needs comfort. Don’t numb the pain, but tent to it – Val.sk


The truth is that sometimes the pain will always be there

And eventually you’ll just learn how to live with holes in your heart – Wattney


Heart never breaks at once, it breaks over a period of months, slowly, taking it’s time , while we smile and pretend we’re fine


At some point in your life, you will get tired of people

You will prefer to stay away, and keep things with yourself

As you grow, things will get intolerable

But that’s okay , you’re learning to tackle


Every relationship  don’t end because of lying and cheating

Sometimes it’s a lack of communication, attention or respect !


People be so jealous of you because your character carries more weight than their title.

Read that again


The cost of losing someone is losing a part of yourself

How much your heart is open determines how big of a piece you are saying goodbye to – c.r.Elliot


I hope you will never see yourself as unworthy just because you couldn’t become what someone else wanted you to be


I will walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear – Michelle Hodkin


In case you miss me,

Call me directly

No need to worry about my reaction, I still love you the way I used to do


When you feel you are drowning in an ocean of grief, gratitude helps you surf the waves of sadness


What matters the most is how you protect your own heart from your own expectations


Sometimes love is as simple and as complicated as three words, and two people brave enough to say them out loud