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Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Pheromones Represent

In recent years it has been appreciated that the behavior of animals may be influenced not only by hormones (chemicals released I nto the internal environment by endocrine glands that regulate and coordinate the activities of other tissues) but also by pheromones-substances released into the external environment by exocrine glands that influence the behavior of other members of the same species. We are accustomed to thinking that information can be transferred from one animal to another by sight or sound ; pheromones represent a means of transferring information, by smell or taste. Pheromones evoke specific behavioral, developmental or reproductive responses in the recipient; these responses may be of great significance for the survival of the species.
          Some pheromones act on the recipient’s central nervous system and produce an immediate effect on its behavior. Among these releaser pheromones are the sex attractants of moths and the trail pheromones and alarm substances secreted by ants. Other primer pheromones trigger a chain of physiological events in the recipient that affect its growth and differentiation. The regulation of the growth of locust and the control of the number of reproductives and soldiers in termite colonies are controlled by primer hormones.
Kupu Kupu Gajah
          The sex attractants of moths provide some of the more spectacular examples of pheromones. The male silk moth has an extremely sensitive receptor in his antennae for sensing the attractant. When an investigator records the nerve impulses coming from the antennae, he finds that these electroantennagrams show specific responses to bombykol and not to other substances. The male silk moth cannot determine the direction of the source by flying up a concentration gradient because the molecules are nearly uniformly dispersed except within a few meters of the source. Instead, he responds to the stimulus by flying up-wind to the source. With a gentle wind, the bombykol given off by a single female moth covers an area several thousand meters long and as much as 200 meters wide. An average silkworm contains some 0.01 mg of bombykol. It can be shown experimentally that male responds appropriately when as little as 10,000 molecules of attractant are allowed to diffuse from a source 1 cm away from him. He can have received only a few hundred of these molecules, perhaps less. Thus, the amount of attractant in one female moth could stimulate more than one billion males !.
          Sex attractants have been tested as possible specific insecticides. By putting sex attractant on stakes placed every 10 meters in a large field, investigators could blanket the air with sex attractant, thus confusing the males and greatly decreasing the probability of their finding females and mating with them.
          The fire ants, when returning to the nest after finding food, secrete a trail pheromone that marks the trail so that other ants can find their way to the food. The trail pheromone is volatile and evaporates within two minutes, so that there is little danger of ants being misled by old trails. Ants also release alarm substances when disturbed, and this (rather like ringing the bell in a firehouse) in turn transmits the alarm to ants in the vicinity. These alarm substances have a lower molecular weight than the sex attractants and are less specific, so that members of several different species respond to the same alarm substance.
          Worker bees, on finding food, secrete geraniol, a 10-carbon, branched chain alcohol, in order to attract other worker bees to the food. This supplements the information conveyed by their wagging dance. Queen bees secrete 9-ketodecanoic acid, which, when ingested by worker bees, inhibits the development of their ovaries and their ability to make royal cells in which new queens might be reared. This substances also serves as a sex attractant to male bees during the queen’s nuptial flight.
          In colonial insects, such as ants, bees, and termites, pheromones play an important role in regulating and coordinating the composition and activities of the population. A termite colony includes morphologically distinct queen, king, soldiers, and nymphs or workers. All develop from fertilized eggs. However, queen, king, and soldiers each secrete inhibitory pheromones that act on the corpus allaturm of the nymphs and prevent their developing into the more specialized types. If the queen dies, there is no longer any “antiqueen” pheromone released and one or more of the nymphs develop into queens. The members of each colony will permit only one queen to survive, devouring any excess ones. Similarly, the loss of the king termite or a reduction in the number of soldiers permits other nymphs to develop into the specialized castes to replace them.
          Primer pheromones occur in mammals as well as in insects. When four or more female mice are placed in a cage, there is a greatly increased frequently of pseudopregnancy. If their olfactory bulbs are removed, this effect disappears. When more females are placed together in a cage, their estrous cycles become very erratic. However, if one male mouse is placed in the cage, his odor can initiate and synchronize the estrous cycles of all the females (the “whitten effect”) and reduce the frequency of reproductive abnormalities. Even more curious is the finding (the “bruce effect”) that the odor of a strange male will block pregnancy in a newly impregnated female mouse.
Sumber : Buku Pembelajaran Hor to prepare Toefl  “About Little Animals” 

Penyakit OTITIS

            Radang telinga dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri maupun virus yang mengendap di rongga telinga bagian luar, tengah serta dalam. Bisa juga diakibatkan oleh infeksi saluran pernapasan atas (ISPA). Kalau tiba-tiba telinga Anda berdenging atau malah kehilangan pendengaran, kemungkinan itu tanda radang telinga. Jangan ragu minta bantuan dokter.
            Selain berdenging, radang telinga juga sering ditandai timbulnya rasa nyeri, telinga terasa penuh, atau mendadak tuli. Kalau sudah demikian mesti hati-hati, bisa jadi itu otitis telinga tengah serta otitis eksternal atau radang telinga luar. Peradangan pada telinga tengah seringkali dimulai ketika infeksi yang menyebabkan sakit tenggorokan dan selesma atau gangguan pernapasan lainnya yang menyebar ke telinga tengah. Ini dapat disebabkan virus atau bakteri yang menjadi akut atau kronis.
            Otitis media akut biasanya timbul dengan cepat dan berdurasi pendek. Otitis media akut biasanya berhubung dengan akumulasi cairan di telinga tengah. Otitis media kronis (OMK), yaitu peradangan telinga tengah yang gigih, secara khas bisa diderita selama sebulan. Berbeda dengan infeksi telinga akut (otitis media akut) yang biasa berlangsung beberapa minggu.
            Setelah infeksi akut, cairan mungkin tertinggal di belakang gendang telinga (tympanic membrane) yang mengendap sampai tiga bulan sebelum menghilang. OMK mungkin berkembang setelah  periode waktu berkepanjangan dengan cairan atau  dengan cairan atau tekanan negatif di belakang gendang telinga. OMK dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang terus-menerus pada telinga tengah dari gendang telinga. OMK sering kali dimulai tanpa nyeri dan demam. Tekanan telinga atau telinga yang meletus dapat menjadi gigih untuk berbulan-bulan. Adakalanya kehilangan pendengaran tidak kentara disebabkan oleh otitis media kronis.
            Radang telinga tengah atau otitis media akut (OMA) biasanya disertai demam dan telinga terasa penuh. Jika berlangsung dalam waktu lama, hingga menahun, akan berubah menjadi otitis media supuratif kronis (OMSK), yaitu radang kronis telinga tengah dengan adanya lubang (perforasi) pada gendang telinga (membran timpani). Cairan (sekret) dari telinga (otorea) lebih dari dua bulan, baik terus-menerus atau hilang timbul. Adanya tekanan dari cairan yang terkumpul di gendang telinga akan menimbulkan demam tinggi, mual-mual, muntah, sakit kepala dan selera makin menurun atau hilang. Keluarnya cairan kental dan menandai robeknya gendang telinga akibat tekanan cairan yang demikian kuat. Namun, bila peradangan tersebut tidak disertai infeksi, bisa saja gangguan telinga ini hampir tanpa gejala. Gejalanya juga bisa berupa perasaan telinga seperti dipenuhi sesuatu. Bila ada infeksi, yang biasanya berasal dari infeksi saluran napas bagian atas, gejala yang muncul mirip flu.
            Radang telinga luar umumnya disebabkan infeksi bakteri atau jamur. Bisa juga noninfeksi, misalnya karena iritasi, eksim di telinga, kecelakaan, atau trauma. Sementara radang telinga bagian dalam seringkali karena penjalaran atau komplikasi dari radang telinga bagian tengah. Infeksi di telinga tengah bisa menyebabkan rusaknya struktur telinga tengah dan lama-kelamaan akan menimbulkan komplikasi. Si penderita bisa mengalami pusing berputar dan infeksinya menyebar hingga ke otak.
            Untuk mendeteksi radang telinga dapat dilakukan dengan cara anamnesis, yaitu melihat gendang telinga dengan otoskop. Tes menggunakan garputala dan audiometri juga bisa digunakan. Alat ini berfungsi untuk mengetes ketajaman pendengaran, OAE (oto akustik emation dan BERA (        brea respons audiometri). Pemberian obat tetes pencuci telinga H2O2 takaran  3 persen selama 2-3 hari, sesuai dengan kebutuhan si penderita, disertai antibiotika. Bila sekret berkurang tetapi belum kering, berikan obat tetes telinga yang mengandung antibiotika dan kartikosteroid, antara 10-14 hari. Bila dengan pengobatan konservatif sekret tidak kering, kemungkinan sudah menjadi mastoidis, sehingga dianjurkan operasi. Pada tipe maligna, pengobatan yang tepat adalah operasi. Penderita OMSK tidak boleh berenang agar kondisi tidak bertambah parah. Hindari mengorek telinga radang.
Berikut kiat memelihara kesehatan telinga:
v Menjaga pola hidup sehat agar daya tahan tubuh tetap prima.
v Mencegah infeksi saluran pernapasan atas (ISPA) dengan mengonsumsi makanan bergizi.
v Membiasakan mencuci tangan sebelum makan dan setelah buang air besar.
v Menjaga kebersihan udara dengan ventilasi yang cukup.
v Menghindari asap rokok.
v Meninggalkan kebiasaan membersihkan telinga dengan benda berujung keras seperti kapas bertangkai (cotton buds). Cotton buds malah mendorong kotoran masuk lebih dalam ke telinga dan bisa melukai gendang telinga sehingga menyebabkan radang.
v Cukup bersihkan bagian muara telinga dan daun telinga. Kotoran telinga pada dasarnya dapat keluar sendiri dengan bantuan bulu-bulu halus secara alami tumbuh di dalam telinga. Jika kotoran mengeras dan tak dapat keluar, sebaiknya minta bantuan dokter spesialis telinga hidung tenggorok.
be faithful