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Kamis, 15 September 2022

Kata Mutiara Harvesting Morning




Don’t feel guilty for

Canceling plan when you don’t feel okay


Being an emotional or softhearted person

Being busy and owning your time


Disagreeing with someone, even with your loved ones

Not being perfect at certain things


Start all over again

Don’t feel guilty when you can’t do something perfectly. If you have struggled hard enough, then finishing those tasks will be better than getting all worked up because you can’t do it perfectly.


And don’t feel guilty when you’re disagreeing over something with your loved ones. It’s normal to have different opinion (because all of us get through different things). It is not necessarily turned into arguments whenever you’re trying to spoke about how you feel/what’s important to you despite having different perspective on that matters



Belajar untuk menjalin komunikasi dengan keheningan dalam diri kita. Ketahuilah bahwa semua yang terjadi dalam hidup kita memiliki tujuan. Tidak ada satupun kesalahan atau kebetulan. Semua kejadian adalah berkah yang diberikan kepada kita untuk belajar


Their second sowing of purle climbing beans seem to be happier than the first lot ! it goes to show you don’t have to be so eager to get sowing early in the season to get a good crop. The beans are so purply


Increasing empathy encompasses recognizing and appropriately responding to other’s emotions. It is an ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand how they are thinking and feeling. Understanding these components from anothers perspective  allows us to support them in an appropriate way. It’s a remarkable ability and opportunity to form an emotional connection that fuels insight, trust, and helps us solve problems together


Increasing empathy helps you to deepen your relationships. It’s the link between self and others, how we connect, heal and relate. As social creatures, humans are quite literally wired to feel empathy , and making the effort to practice empathy more frequently will bear the fruit of having deeper , more meaningful relationship which in turn leads to a successful life professionally and personally


Tip : replacing assumptions with a sense of curiosity opens us up to increasing our empathy


Siapa lekas naik darah, berlaku bodoh, tetapi orang yang bijaksana, bersabar (Amsal 14:17)


Little finger grape tomatoes , if you want something with a bit more crunch, and not as juicy as a cherry tomato, try this new variety.

The plants are very disease resistant , quick growing and super productive , with picture-perfect trusses of fruit

Interested in seeds for you garden ? let me know in the comments

Buon giardinaggio !


Segala perkara dapat kutanggung di dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku (Filipi 4:13)


Doa Yabes bukan formula tapi sebuah hubungan dengan Tuhan dan sebuah kebergantungan sama Tuhan ( Ps Fuji Harsono)

Apapun situasi Anda, ijinkan Tuhan itu melepaskan sebuah pewahyuan, berbicara atas kehidupan dan situasi Anda secara pribadi.


Doa yabes ini menggambarkan kehidupan iman, perjalanan iman

Doa yabes mengajarkan kita untuk bergantung kepada Tuhan dan berdoa kepada Tuhan sebab hanya Tuhanlah yang dapat mengubahkan segalanya

Yeah Snack Food Hiking

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