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Rabu, 21 September 2022

Kata Mutiara Ketika Kamu Percaya Diri




Don’t compare me to other person, there’s no competition I’m one of a kind


When you believe in yourself, your dreams start to take a beautiful shape


Forgive but do not forget

Not everyone deserves another chance to make home

In your heart


Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it


Musibah, kehilangan, dan semua kejadian yang menyedihkan nggak mungkin bisa dihindari yah. Hidup itu pasti ada up dan downnya, entah itu kebahagiaan atau kesedihan selalu silih berganti. Masalahnya bagaimana kita meresponnya. Apalagi kalau yang dialami itu adalah kemalangan. Ada yang berusaha ngelupain atau tegar lalu bangkit lagi, tapi ada juga yang tenggelam dalam kesedihan.


Like a sunset, every end promises. Hope for new


If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things


I just want to go somewhere where nobody knows my name

She has fire in her soul, she is her own


Sometimes life is too hard to be alone and sometimes life is too good to be alone


How strong are you ? I smile at things even it’s killing me inside

Be grateful for every single stage of life, especially the ones that break you open


Real queen does not need crown , but a kind heart


Accept your bad days, seize your good ones – Daniel J Scott


We all have a bad days. Days where your energy and motivation are low, days when you just don’t want to get out of bed. This is normal. Your body, mind and spirit need rest, to recharge.


When you are low, listen to what you are feeling. Give yourself the love, rest, etc., you need.  But make sure on your good days you are relentless and give 110%. Use every ounce of the energy you have – conserve nothing.


These are the days you will make tremendeous leaps in your progress and growth. Accept your bad days for what they are, and seize every opportunity in your good days.


Some people are always with us at our hardest time

I don’t give chance twice anymore , once I feel left out , I leave silently


Some people suddenly change, one day you are important, next day you are worthless


Keep smiling  and one day life will get tired of upsetting you

Mature by mind, kid by heart, rude from outside, and caring from inside


Siapa membalas kebaikan dengan kejahatan, kejahatan tidak akan menghindar dari rumahnya Amsal 17:13

Sayap Sayap Udara

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