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Senin, 12 September 2022

Mengenai Kanker Gastritis



          Gastric cancer a malignant tumor in the stomach

          Gastic cancer mainly includes gastric adenocarcinoma. It also includes lymphoma, epilepsy, sarcoma, and neuroendocrine termination additionally. Early gastric cancer is when cancer only spreads to the mucous membrane layer or the submucous layer. Advanced gastric cancer is when cancer spreads to the muscle layer or the intestinal layer.         


Gastric cancer , lifestyle? Genetics ? what’s the cause ?

A Diet

          Spicy and salty food causes damage to the gastric mucosa and makes it easier to reach carcinogens. Also, barbecue and charcoal-grilled meat contain carcinogens caused by combustion, an additional cause of stomach cancer.

          Infection of Helicobacter Pylori

          Carcinogenic factors Helicobacter Pylori which causes peptic ulcers, MALT lymphoma, and chronic atrophic gastritis. This is 40-60% of all gastric cancer patients. Infectors have a higher risk of gastric cancer.

          Men have twice a higher possibility than women, and smokers are two to three times more likely to develop gastric cancer compared to non smokers. The incidence rate is twice as higher when there is a family history. Heredity is also a crucial factor.

          Gastric cancer is dangerous because it has no early symptoms. It is indistinct from other general gastrointestinal disorders. And it is also difficult to detect gastric cancer in the early stage. The symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain, abdominal mass, bloody stool (black stool), vomiting, and weight loss appear as the condition worsens.

Prevention = early medical check up

Gastric cancer is recoverable by early detection.


So, protect your stomachs with stay health and good job


Sumber : medicalkoreaofficial


About Gastric


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