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Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

The Global...


            In a village everybody knows everything about their neighbours. If somebody gets a job or if somebody is ill, the whole village will soon know all about it. News travels fast in a village. It travels by word of mouth (dari mulut ke mulut). Mrs Hartono meets Mrs Hadianto and says, “Did you hear about Mrs Rianto’s boy, Fenti ?”. Mrs Hadianto says, “No. tell me all about him.” This is how news travels in a village, from person to person, from one street to the next street.

            In the global village news travels by telephone, fax machine, satellite television and the internet. These electronic media are in every part of the globe. Everybody in the world now lives in what is called “The global Village”. Indonesia is a part of the global village. Mrs hartono watches satellite TV and when she meets Mrs Hadianto she says, “ Did you hear about the earthquake in Peru ? Wasn’t it terrible ? four the thousands people are dead.” In the global village news travels thousands of kilometers.

            In the global village everybody can know what is happening everywhere else. For example, if there is a forest fire in a country, everybody hears about it through satellite TV. Suddenly nobody wants to visit that country. News travels fast and bad news travels the fastest in the global village.

My Village

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