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Selasa, 13 Desember 2022

About Heal and Shine Words




Silence has it’s own way of expressing (tanuquoteries)


Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn (wordsyoulovee)


Always go for the beautiful heart

Looks eventually fade away (untoldfeeling4u)


Your dream life is waiting for you (beyouniquelyou)


Forever is loop of lies (wordymusing)


Your patience is your power (wordsaddiction)


Ego never accepts the truth (neonquotes_)


Maturity is when you stop asking people why they don’t call or text you anymore. You just notice the change and accept it. No drama, no fights. You just walk away with a smile (thecolorfulminds)


Heart refuses to accept what mind already knows (tanuquoteries)


Physical attraction is common but emotional connection is rare  (wordsaddiction)


Sometimes we’re full of feelings and lack of words (wordsaddiction)


Your value is not determined by the way others treat you (wordsaddiction)


When things don’t go right, try to go left (healing_words)


A happy soul doesn’t get jeaoes of others happiness (untoldfeeling4u)


Happiness is a choice not an option (wordsaddiction)


The brighter your thoughts, the better your life (healing_words)


Never wait, life goes faster than you think (untoldfeeling4u)


Reminder : not everything is your fault (just_add_doodles)


At the end of the day , we all need a listener (wordsbypiku_)


If they love you, they will stay with you in every situation (inky_girl)


Love the life you live without any regrets (wordaddiction)

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