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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2022



I say I don’t care but I visit your profile everyday when I miss you and see your last seen


Chris Hemsworth once said : you break your own heart by making someone more important to you than you’re to them. Never play yourself like that


Kamu tidak akan melihat ending dari rencana Tuhan kalau kamu tidak mau menyelesaikan proses tahapan demi tahapan yang Tuhan beri


Never forget who helped you in the hardest time

Be someone who inspires others    

Nothing is more attractive than loyalty

Try and fail but don’t fail to try


Girls cann’t remember

Where they left their hair pins or rubber band but they do remember what you said 2 years ago on Monday at 04:58 PM.


Memaafkan bukan untuk manusia itu, memaafkan karena kita berhak bahagia, memaafkan diri kita adalah langkah jitu memaafkan manusia lain


Karma says : Don’t hurt a soft hearted person they cann’t sleep at night because of overthinking !


I will always care you, even if you hate me


You were never asking for too much

You were just asking the wrong person

Know that there is someone out there will make you believe that you were never asking for too much


Be like salt, so that people can not use you more


We meet everyone for a reason. Either they are a blessing or a lesson


Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, and to hide every pain


You don’t know how many messages I have typed to you and never sent


Sorry for caring sorry for trying , sorry for all , but most  of all

I am sorry for trusting you !


She doesn’t talk too much now, maybe because nobody listened to her when she had too much to say !


Talking to someone for hours is so dangerous because one day you both will stop talking and it will hurt so much


At 2 AM , not everyone is in depression . at 2 am some are in the kitchen searching for food


Sometimes you need your feelings hurt so you can wake up and focus on you

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