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Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

About Environtment


The ECO DESA SAUJANA project is one of the projects conducted by majis penghuni desa siswa saujana (MPDS) in collaboration with various agencies to promote the concept of sustainability amongst saujanarians and to achieves the sustainable hostel living concept.

           Sustainability is the ability to maintain the equilibrium of a certain process or state in a system. Our project is mainly to create and raise awareness on the need to take care of mother earth and provide information and knowledge on how this can be done. To achieve the objective of this project, we need you to reach out and join arms with us to enable our beved Saujana attain our cherished goal of “Zero Waste”.

            It is hoped that the tips and knowledge given in this book let will help you to live a “green life” and you will be motivated to speread the love for mother earth by passing the information contained therein to family and the community around you. Together, let us keep our beloved Nature from being destroyed by our own hands and bequeth her in a pristine state to our future generations.

           The increase in the average temperature of the earth’s near-surface air and oceans  caused by human activities or nature.
            Industrial activities such as energy generation via coal burning by power plants, transportation and the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) for air conditioning and as a propellant in aerosols leads to the release of antropogenic gases that contribute to global warming.

            The increase in global temperature will cause the melting of the polar-caps in the Artic and the Antartic which lead to a rise in sea levels causing climate change on earth. Climate change has numerous effects among which are changes to the frequency and the intensity of storms and hurricanes. Instances of such changes are hurricane Katrina that struck the US in 2005 and the massive floods experienced by Malaysia in 2006.

Greenhouse Gases
         Greenhouse gases, which include water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane, are almost impermeable to solar radiation and strongly absorb and emit infrared radiation. The greenhouse effect refers to the heating of the planet’s surface due to the presence of greenhouse gases hat absorb and emit infrared radiation.
Tips On Overcoming The Greenhouse Effect
  •  Reduce the use of CFC-dependant products. Buy non-CFC aerosols as an alternative
  • Reduce electricity consumption
  • Use public transport or cycle or walk to destinations within a short-distance
  •  Reduce waste and practice recycling
  • Conserve natural resources by buying less and recycling more.

By : Associate Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim
Desasiswa Saujana  

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