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Jumat, 09 September 2022



Do you grow any unusual veggies ?

1 Asparagus harvest ! this is likely the only ones we will get this year because you cannot harvest asparagus until 5 years after planting . it’s seed or 3 years planting the crown . our plant is on year 4 and to reward myself I did a sneaky harvest of the first few. Must leave some fern out, flower and dry to assist with the overall strength of the plant. I have more info on a previous asparagus reel


2 two types of Asparagus. The phantom purple (looks maroon) eventhough is the same age is smaller and thinner. Still yummy . I can’t quite taste the difference between them yet


3 green sprouting broccoli has been delivering the goods for weeks ! we have also been eating all parts of the plant including the leaves as chips (like kale chips). Such a great pay off


4 Purple sprouting broccoli is pretty to look at, but when cooked goes green. So again I can’t figure out the difference between the two types need to work on my palette too


5 Romanesco broccoli is about to spread out and go to seed. It wasn’t particularly happy I think because I planted it too close to other brassica crops. This plant tasted more like cauliflower. Still eaten and still tasty, so I consider it a veggie garden win



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