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Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

About Environtment


The ECO DESA SAUJANA project is one of the projects conducted by majis penghuni desa siswa saujana (MPDS) in collaboration with various agencies to promote the concept of sustainability amongst saujanarians and to achieves the sustainable hostel living concept.

           Sustainability is the ability to maintain the equilibrium of a certain process or state in a system. Our project is mainly to create and raise awareness on the need to take care of mother earth and provide information and knowledge on how this can be done. To achieve the objective of this project, we need you to reach out and join arms with us to enable our beved Saujana attain our cherished goal of “Zero Waste”.

            It is hoped that the tips and knowledge given in this book let will help you to live a “green life” and you will be motivated to speread the love for mother earth by passing the information contained therein to family and the community around you. Together, let us keep our beloved Nature from being destroyed by our own hands and bequeth her in a pristine state to our future generations.

           The increase in the average temperature of the earth’s near-surface air and oceans  caused by human activities or nature.
            Industrial activities such as energy generation via coal burning by power plants, transportation and the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) for air conditioning and as a propellant in aerosols leads to the release of antropogenic gases that contribute to global warming.

            The increase in global temperature will cause the melting of the polar-caps in the Artic and the Antartic which lead to a rise in sea levels causing climate change on earth. Climate change has numerous effects among which are changes to the frequency and the intensity of storms and hurricanes. Instances of such changes are hurricane Katrina that struck the US in 2005 and the massive floods experienced by Malaysia in 2006.

Greenhouse Gases
         Greenhouse gases, which include water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane, are almost impermeable to solar radiation and strongly absorb and emit infrared radiation. The greenhouse effect refers to the heating of the planet’s surface due to the presence of greenhouse gases hat absorb and emit infrared radiation.
Tips On Overcoming The Greenhouse Effect
  •  Reduce the use of CFC-dependant products. Buy non-CFC aerosols as an alternative
  • Reduce electricity consumption
  • Use public transport or cycle or walk to destinations within a short-distance
  •  Reduce waste and practice recycling
  • Conserve natural resources by buying less and recycling more.

By : Associate Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim
Desasiswa Saujana  



            Enegy efficiency is defined as the utilisation of less energy to provide the same level of energy efficiency. There are significant cost savings in terms of electricity consumption if products that are proven to be energy efficient are used.

(energy conservation tips for residents of saujana residential hall)

1.      Gunakan perkakas elektrik bila perlu saja dan tutup kembali bila tidak ada kepentingan (tidak digunakan kembali). (use electric appliances when needed and switch off when not in use.
2.      Komputer (computer)
  • Penggunaan mod tidur lebih efisien daripada mod sedia sekiranya mau ditinggalkan dalam jangka waktu yang singkat (choose standby mode or sleepy mode if you want to leave your computer for a short while rather then switching it off)
  • Tahukah anda bahwa skrin leper lebih menjimatkan daripada skrin yang menggunakan tiub katod ( a LCD monitor is more efficient than a cathode ray tube monitor)
  • Laptop menhematkan 30% tenaga berbanding PC biasa (a notebook uses 30% less energy than a normal PC)
3.      Bilik tidur (Room)
  • Gunakan lampu sis katil untuk membaca karena 1 lampu tersebut menggunakan 50% tenaga yang digunakan oleh lampu utama bilik (use the bedside lamp to need instead of using the main lamp)
  • Guna cahaya dari luar tingkap (Make full use of daylight)
  • Tanggalkan piag perkakas elektrik dari soket selepas guna (Disconnect the socket of electrical appliances after use)
4.      Setrika (Ironing)
-      Setrika wap menggunakan tenaga elektrik yang lebih daripada yang biasa (a steam iron uses more electricity than a normal iron does)
-      Setkan petunjuk setrika ke “low” atau tutup suisnya sekiranya tidak ingin menggunakannya buat masa yang singkat (set the ironing temperature at “low” when not in use for a short while
-      Gunakan setrika ringan karena  ia lebih cepat panas daripada setrika berat (a lighter iron heats faster than a heavier one)
-      Gosok pakaian dengan jumlah yang banyak dalam 1 masa (iron in large quantities)

Lingkungan Kita ^^
Proses Penghasilan Kompos (The Process)
  1. Lubang segi empat tepat dipenuhkan dengan daun- daun kering dan sisa organik. (a rectangular shaped hole is filled up with dried leaves and organic waste)
  2. Lubang itu ditutup dengan papan dan daun- daun kering itu dibiarkan selama empat bulan untuk dikompos secara semulajadi tanpa sebarang bahan kimia. (the hole is covered by plywood and the waste is left to decompose for four months before certain chemicals are added to the decompose waste)
  3. Baja kompos yang dihasilkan akan digunakan sebagai baja kepada pokok- pokok yang telah ditanam di sekitar Saujana (The organic compost is now ready for use).

By : Associate Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim
Desasiswa Saujana  

ANUGERAH Oleh DIA, Untuk kita ^^


Sungguh anugerah yang luar biasa ketika ini semua masih ada sampai saat ini

Sungguh kesempatan yang sangat berharga boleh terus ada dalam semua ini

Sungguh tidak terduga akan terjadi seperti yang sekarang dalam semua ini

Sungguh menakjubkan bila melihat karya agungNya dalam semua ini
Sungguh tidak terbayangkan sama sekali

Ada 30 di dalam 1
Ada 1 di dalam 30
Bekerjasama melanjutkan kembali
Apa yang telah ada sebelumnya
Yang sudah baik harus tetap dipertahankan
Yang belum baik harus diperbaiki

Oh, bukan karena hebat 30
Bukan karena banyak 30
Bukan karena siapakah yang 30
Tapi siapakah yang 1?

DIA adalah segalanya
DIA adalah permulaannya
DIA tidak berakhir
DIA sudah ada
DIA tetap ada
DIA akan ada
DIA yang berkarya

Salam Koordinasi 2011
One Heart ^^ One Heart