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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2022




Kejadian 9:1-17 (Tgl 4 Agustus 2022, Kamis)

Ketika Nuh beserta keluarganya menginjakkan kaki di daratan setelah selama berbulan-bulan berada di dalam bahtera, Nuh kembali menata kehidupannya yang baru. Tanah yang sudah kering kembali digarap olehnya dan ditanami tumbuh-tumbuhan, sayur, dan buah. Seiring dengan itu, segala binatang yang dulu ia bawa masuk kedalam bahtera juga mulai berkembang biak dan menjadi semakin banyak.

Salah satu tujuan Tuhan menyuruh Nuh membawa segala jenis binatang secara berpasang-pasangan adalah agar binatang itu nantinya dapat berkembang biak kemudian akan menjadi hak milik serta tanggung jawab manusia (Kej 6:20). Manusia berhak memakan dagingnya karena Tuhan telah menyediakannya, tetapi manusia juga bertanggung jawab untuk memeliharanya.

Nuh hidup di dalam Tuhan dan bergaul karib dengan Tuhan. Inilah yang membuat Nuh beserta keluarganya layak menikmati semua berkat yang telah disediakan Tuhan untuk mereka. Bayangkan saja, bertani atau bercocok tanam di tanah yang telah berbulan-bulan digenangi air, mungkin bisa saja tanah itu masih lembek dan menjadi tanah rawa. Tetapi Tuhan telah membuatnya kering dengan cepat sehingga Nuh dapat mengolah tanah itu dengan baik. Inilah bukti bahwa Tuhan setia memelihara orang-orang yang taat dan setia kepadaNya.

Mari kita belajar dari pribadi Nuh yang taat dan setia kepada Tuhan. Pada zaman itu untuk membuat bahtera yang besar dengan peralatan yang sangat sederhana adalah pekerjaan yang sangat sulit dan mungkin tidak akan terjadi. Tetapi karena Tuhan yang memberi perintah dan Nuh tetap taat maka Tuhan memberikan hikmat kepada Nuh untuk membuat dan menyelesaikan bahtera itu.

Kita juga mungkin terlalu sering kuatir akan kebutuhan masa depan kita dan segala hal yang kita perlukan. Jika kita hidup di dalam Tuhan seharusnya kita tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan semua hal tersebut karena Tuhan telah menyediakan semua yang kita perlukan. Ia adalah Jehova Jireh. Tuhan yang selalu mencukupi dan memelihara kebutuhan anak-anakNya serta selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita semua. (IN)



“Segala yang bergerak, yang hidup, akan menjadi makananmu. Aku telah memberikan semuanya itu kepadamu seperti juga tumbuh-tumbuhan hijau (Kejadian 9:3)”


Ia adalah Jehova Jireh

Gedung Gonggong 2019

Enjoy The Life Today


Enjoy The Life

Losing you was my biggest win

Nobody is going to save you, get up, and be your own hero


Self believe and hard work will always earn you success

When you are too nice, people start using you


Be such a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes

Sorry to say but this, being a good person doesn’t get you loved, it’s get you used


In life, it’s not where you go, it’s whom you travel with !

Be kind to past versions of yourself that didn’t know what you know now


Nothing is gonna stay forever , so do your scars !

Silent moves, loud results !


Don’t let the fall stop you from flying

I am fearless because I learned to recognize illusion from reality


Disagreements are fine , disrespect is not

Satisfy your soul, not the society


This is the beginning of something new

Sometimes, people hurt us even if your only intension is to keep them happy


Don’t risk your future for temporary pleasure, stay focused !

The biggest motivation is rejection


One sided for me , one sided love is the best because it’s not fake atleast


I live in a world of my own creation

I have no time to battle egos and small minds


Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspective ? because if not, there is absolutely no point


Once you start loving a person, you will start getting jealous for nonsense reasons


Stop doubting and start believing your potential

Don’t you just love it when you flip your pillow over and its cool on the other side


I am a very forgiving person. So if I stop talking to you, you really went too far

The biggest comeback in life is to live happily


Nothing can make a short person happier than seeing a person shorter than them


Ignore me once, I’ll never disturb you again

With right people you glow and grow differently


It’s all a matter of understanding

Never forget two people in your life :

1. the person who lost everything just to make you win (your father)

2. the person who was with you in every pain (your mother)


Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities

Strong hearts come from hard life

Inner Balance


Inner Balance

We communicate, we fic, we stay. That’s maturity


Choose a good heart not a good face


Stop comparing your success with other’s because we all have different shoes to fit in


The things that break you today, will make you strong one day


No matter what I see, or what I do

I always end up thingking about you


Memaafkan bukan untuk manusia itu, memaafkan karena kita berhak bahagia, memaafkan diri kita adalah langkah jitu memaafkan manusia lain


My aim is not just to get a degree and get married

Aim is to have better life, pay back my parents, plan a luxuries life with them


Enjoy the moment before it becomes a memory


Before trolling any dark skin girl for her skin colour, remember dairy milk has more fan following than milky bar


Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway


In the world full of darkness, always be the ray of hope for yourself

Check yourself more than you check your phone


We only see half of what we see

It’s okay if the only thing you did today was survive


Forget who forgets you, then enjoy the life !

My Room

Glowing Life


Glowing Life

There is a beauty in being kind and it doesn’t cost a thing


You’re one of those people who make my life better just by being in it


Pink is the girly colour, boys don’t wear pink

Pink is a versatile colour anyone can wear it


A little progress each day adds up to big results


The hardest thing I’ve ever learned was how to keep quiet even when I have millions of words to say


Music helps me block all the unwanted noise in my mind


The most difficult task in life is removing someone from my heart

Value yourself and walk away from those who don’t value you

Always remember that whenever you don’t get what you want, you deserve better!

It’s okay to dream for the star with your feet on the ground


Choosing to be a good person is always the right choice – Katie Ross


Some steps ned to be taken alone. It’s the only way to really figure out where you need to go and who you need to be – Mandy Hale


Remember the past , but as a lesson


Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalanKu dari jalanmu, dan rancanganKu dari rancanganmu Yesaya 55:9


Working on myself, for myself, by myself


Remove negativity from your thoughts and I can do it

You’ll be able to do everything that you want !


No matter how difficult your situation is; never lose your inner balance

Gotong Royong

Your Success


Your Success


Never take too much care on someone. Because you won’t be able to stand the pain, when they start avoiding you


If your success makes them happy, then they are the real ones


Some people suddenly change, one day you are important, next day you are worthless


Busy , late replies heart, he might be stuck somewhere mind, priority changed

Soul, can you both stop irritating me


Move on, to move on in your life, you need to accept that, people who left you have gone forever and will never come back !


If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside

Life is precious


Psychology says : when you become really close to someone, you can hear their voice in your head when you read their texts


If it’s true, it will stay


One I care I don’t leave, once I leave , I don’t care


Each time I think of you, I realise that you are the most precious gift I have ever received


Attraction, physical attraction is common but mental and emotional connection is rare


A girl who truly loves you, will be angry at you so many reasons , but will never leave


Having someone you can talk at the end of the day is a therapy itself


I pray this girls wins in life, with or without me, wanna see her on top

I pray this boy wins in life , with or without me, wanna see him on top


Learn to enjoy alone, because not everyone will stay forever


Real pain :

Some people say, it’s painful to wait for someone

Some people say, it’s painful to forget someone

But the reality is, the worst pain occurs when you don’t know whether to wait or forget


Boy bestfriend : having a boy bestfriend is good until he asks you to find a girlfriend for him


An unexpected independence comes from rejection

When someone stops seeing your worth, you learn to see it from your own eyes (Sahiba)




I say I don’t care but I visit your profile everyday when I miss you and see your last seen


Chris Hemsworth once said : you break your own heart by making someone more important to you than you’re to them. Never play yourself like that


Kamu tidak akan melihat ending dari rencana Tuhan kalau kamu tidak mau menyelesaikan proses tahapan demi tahapan yang Tuhan beri


Never forget who helped you in the hardest time

Be someone who inspires others    

Nothing is more attractive than loyalty

Try and fail but don’t fail to try


Girls cann’t remember

Where they left their hair pins or rubber band but they do remember what you said 2 years ago on Monday at 04:58 PM.


Memaafkan bukan untuk manusia itu, memaafkan karena kita berhak bahagia, memaafkan diri kita adalah langkah jitu memaafkan manusia lain


Karma says : Don’t hurt a soft hearted person they cann’t sleep at night because of overthinking !


I will always care you, even if you hate me


You were never asking for too much

You were just asking the wrong person

Know that there is someone out there will make you believe that you were never asking for too much


Be like salt, so that people can not use you more


We meet everyone for a reason. Either they are a blessing or a lesson


Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, and to hide every pain


You don’t know how many messages I have typed to you and never sent


Sorry for caring sorry for trying , sorry for all , but most  of all

I am sorry for trusting you !


She doesn’t talk too much now, maybe because nobody listened to her when she had too much to say !


Talking to someone for hours is so dangerous because one day you both will stop talking and it will hurt so much


At 2 AM , not everyone is in depression . at 2 am some are in the kitchen searching for food


Sometimes you need your feelings hurt so you can wake up and focus on you