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Senin, 22 Agustus 2022





Every chapter of life has its own beauty


Time will show you, who deserves your heart


Be with someone who says I love you every night and then proves it everyday


Understanding is an art and not everyone is an artist


No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people  for their mistakes you will always be alone . so, judge less and love  more


I was in search of happiness and then , God gave me you


Agree girls : girls love their fater so much because there is atleast one man in the world who will never hurt her


One thing I learned in life : you can be important to someone but not all the time


You cannot change your future, but you Cn change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future (A.P.J Abdul Kalam)


Some people say, it’s painful to wait for someone, some people say it’s painful to forget someone, but the reality is , the worst pain occurs when you don’t know whether to wait or forget


Promise me, whatever happens tomorrow you will never leave me – AM


Sometimes feelings are difficult to explain


Mother : is the true queen of every home

No matter how far apart we are, our memoris are together


Delete : if someone  delete the story before 24 hours, it’s because the target has already seen it


A person who truly loves you, will be angry at you sometimes but will never leave you

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